Depeche Mode - Zobacz wątek - Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer

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Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer 
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Dołączył(a): Pt sie 15, 2008 18:18 pm
Posty: 13226
Lokalizacja: Trójmiasto
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Nowy utwór Ghost&Writer ukaże się w ramach projektu "Jean-Marc Lederman Experience" ;) Nowa płyta ma się ukazać na początku przyszłego roku. Wśród gościnnych wokali usłyszymy głosy takich zespołów jak Mesh, Assemblage 23, Helix, Beborn Beton, Leaether Strip, Kirlian Camera, The Cassandra Complex ;)

Åšr lis 27, 2019 7:04 am Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): Pt sie 15, 2008 18:18 pm
Posty: 13226
Lokalizacja: Trójmiasto
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Åšwietny remix "Without you" Seabound w wykonaniu Mildredy: ... hout-you-2

Przy okazji Seabound wciąż pracują nad nową płytą :)

Pt cze 12, 2020 17:16 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): Pt sie 15, 2008 18:18 pm
Posty: 13226
Lokalizacja: Trójmiasto
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Ghost & Writer w formie czarno-białego filmu z pierwszego albumu o 19:10 na

Cz gru 31, 2020 16:30 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): N sie 14, 2005 20:56 pm
Posty: 193
Lokalizacja: Myszków/Warszawa
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Edge Of Dawn – "In Fear Of The Unknown" (2001)

Gdzie tego szukać?

So lut 06, 2021 13:42 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): Pt sie 15, 2008 18:18 pm
Posty: 13226
Lokalizacja: Trójmiasto
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer ... se/2106439

So lut 06, 2021 14:13 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): N sie 14, 2005 20:56 pm
Posty: 193
Lokalizacja: Myszków/Warszawa
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer

So lut 06, 2021 14:26 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): N sie 14, 2005 20:56 pm
Posty: 193
Lokalizacja: Myszków/Warszawa
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Wie ktoś, gdzie można wysłuchać jakichś fragmentów In Fear Of The Unknown i Sleep - Edge Of Dawn?

Co do In Fear Of The Unknown - od 2 lat dostaję powiadomienia z Discogs: "We found 1 new item for sale in your Wantlist", ale kiedyś zmoczyłem tak z wczesnym Informatikiem, bo okazało się, że te dźwięki były zaprzeczeniem tego za co ich uwielbiam.


Pierwsza oferta :lol:

Åšr lut 17, 2021 18:27 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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Dołączył(a): Pt sie 15, 2008 18:18 pm
Posty: 13226
Lokalizacja: Trójmiasto
Post Re: Seabound / Edge Of Dawn / Ghost & Writer
Jean-Marc Lederman o Ghost & Writer:

O pierwszej płycie i poznaniu:

I'm so proud of what Frank Spinath and myself did with "Ghost & Writer" that I have no idea how this lay-down of what I recall will be easy or just mundane blurb.
Frank (singer with iconic band Seabound) is by no means an ordinary man and we've had more than rocky moments but we're good. And the music stays and has been amazing imho.
Frank approached me in the early 2000's with two Poison T-shirts he wanted me to sign. Yes, there was a rare release of Poison T-shirts early 2000.
We agreed to meet at some music festival and I met a charming, highly clever and subtle personality which I immediately liked.
We talked lightly about bands and music and gradually we decided to try to work on some songs, for fun. But it soon developed as a real band and Frank thought of the name, calling me Ghost for my known uneasiness at being around people and capacity to totally depart in a minute when I'm around people.
The early tracks were "Hitman" and "From Hell" and the two originals and their remixes by FiLe NoT FounD and Iris came out on "Fourplay" (Nilailah Records) in 2006.
Once we had started, it was easy to add some songs and go for an album that came under the form of "Shipwrecks" in 2013 on Dependent Records.
It took a while to get the album done but we had time and Frank had a very busy schedule (he is a Phd psychologist in a German Uni).
Composing went fast for me though, but Frank's quality control ear is without mercy and he did send back quite a few songs to me: challenge accepted.
For instance, I learned that once the song is demo'ed and Frank has sent me back his stems for mixing, I must not change the music too much (which I usually do: I sometimes change the entire song) but singers are often like that, they don't like it when I pull the music carpet from below them. And it is true that changes in rhythm and tuning can be annoying for some. As for Frank, I believe he had to learn to be swamped under demos from me as I'm a very proactive and enthusiastic composer.
"Shipwrecks" is a very good album imho and it has one of the best songs I ever collaborated on: "Nightshift".
The song started as a collage from different sources: old analog sounds and noise panned and played stereo like a rhythm track, strings layering simple chords (chords !!!) and a steady drumbeat.
But the real genius in the song is Frank's couple of phrases: "i've been missing you, I know that you're missing me too" sung like if he was a 1920 Weimar Republic singer: evocative and romantic.
That song would have actually gone great as part of the German TV series "Babylon Berlin". Frank provided also the vocoder lines and I used his trademark delay signature: 8 triplet, shaken not stirred. The song was developed and mixed in Reason (the program, not the feeling).
I adore that song.
I think there are a few other great songs on Shipwrecks and "Minefields" is surely one of them.
Originally, Minefields was an anthem I had developed for a video game that never came out. The action was supposed to be on a planet far far away and several tribes were competing for ground.
The anthem was one of the tribes' that was the more aggressive one: brass and marching were in order.
Frank added his vocals and we asked Florida's Miss FD to provide counter melody and lyrics.
Frank called a few friends to make remixes and there you have it: "Shipwrecks": Andrew Sega, Mario from Edge Of Dawn / Raging Silence, Jan Dewulf (now Mildreda), Andre from VERSUS, Nico from Acretongue.
Cover and artwork by Claudia Schöne.

I drugim:

While "Shipwrecks" took 7 years to be finalised, "Red Flags" took only 2 ! I guess we were both aware Shipwrecks was quite an album and we wanted to have more of that delicious "all achievements unlocked" feel with the following one.
It also went faster because we both adapted our way of working together I guess plus we didn't have gatekeeping as far as our part of the work was concerned: if I couldn't get the mix to "gel" properly with the vox, Frank would layered a stereo mix of the music and mix his voices right in: faster and no ego need to be bruised. Frank also got used to the fragile character of my sound: it has to be slightly strange and off to stand up and he would accept the sometimes strange harmonies in my music.
There are a couple of highlights on "Red Flags'' but, to me, the best song is by far "Never Take Fire" which for me is really "Punishment Park 2.0" in a way; a very afro-american type of feel, simple and straight and sexy. Here, we mix noises and melodies and simplistic sounding brass but their rhythm isn't that easy, try it. Plus it has an uplifting musical chorus, quite unique with G&W (or any of my work, uplifting, was ist dat ?). I need to mention that the secret remix (in fact the excellent Ben Lukas Boysen ) who will go on to produce Frank's Lionhearts album) is a wonderful piece of music and, once again, the remixers did a great job (Frank loves remixes while I'm not so sure about them if they totally erase the original's DNA).
Another song on Red Flags makes me goosebumps every time : "Gambit" has the same alchemy as "Nightshift": this kind of weird noisy melodic strange romantic audio collage.
The beauty in here are the lyrics: I have no idea what Frank is really talking about and that's the beauty of it, they can mean so many things to so many people and it's this plurality of meaning that makes them so wonderful.
For the track order, Frank suggested for all the songs to be in the order of their making, "Just the same" being the first one finished for this album while "Do I Have (Your Word)" the latest, making the album a resolve in itself. It is to be found on the US edition (via Metropolis) as the Dependent Records version has a slightly different order.
01. Gambit
02. Hurricane
03. Shine
04. Never Take Fire
05. Just The Same
06. Beyond Repair
07. Demons Crawl
08. (Do I Have) Your Word
09. Gambit (AKANOID (Official))
10. Hurricane (Splitter)
11. Shine (Acretongue)
12. Never Take Fire (Secret)
13. Just The Same (Iris/ Andrew Sega)
14. Beyond Repair (diskonnekted)
15. Demons Crawl (Dead When I Found Her)
16. (Do I Have) Your Word (Titanic Moon)
The cover by Claudia Schöne, she is a very hard working woman and I appreciate all the time she has put into G & W's art. Here she came up with some amazing ideas and ways of putting thel together (the scrapped face on the coin is one of them: genius !)
You may dislike the music I do (and if you do thank you for reading that far LOL) but I think Red Flags is one of my best collaborative album ever and it is one of these PERFECT ALBUMS, the one you can listen to from A to Z and you never want to get up and skip a track (ok boomer, now there are remote controls or skip the track buttons on your Iphone): it all falls perfectly into each other and takes you to discover small worlds 3 minutes 50 at a time... The Black album was like that, more or less, and there would be some later on (The Rohn-Lederman ones, Leatherman isn't bad either, Letters To Gods,...).

I końcowej fazie:

Why play live ? Everybody knows how much I dislike being on stage. It feels then like the entire world is looking at me me me and it makes me very self-conscious and uneasy to say the least.
Plus all the work is on the tape, dude ! Why would I spend hours fine-tuning a track to the exact point where I'm happy with it (and the collaborators on the track too) to just shove it all and throw it all out on a stage where the sound is probably not very good and all is in the air to hazard? I rather the listener have a great audio experience at home or in their headphones than seeing a short nervous guy with the usual video behind him...I'm a bad musician and it is only even more obvious when playing live ! What I aim at is to compose, not to perform.
But we did it anyway. Frank and I went for black and white movies. I spend a full month, from 9am to 6pm, looking out for free of copyright images and movies and clips and assembling them within the best of my Final Cut pro abilities, slowly coming up with one hour of an audio-visual show that made sense and projected G&W for what we tried to do with it: an intelligent mixture of styles and atmospheres, ranging from the quiet to the angry, from the morning haze hopes to the middle of the night stumbling. Most of what we used were roaring twenties films and art deco/bauhaus objects and buildings but also nature images and empty landscapes, all adding to what we thought was an immersive hour spent with our music. Oh, yes, there were a few titties (roaring twenties and Weimar Republic were wild times) so it wasn't possible to release the live video.
We played two shows: one in an old army fortification near Antwerp (thanx to the organizer ;)) and one on Daniel Meyer's day, in 2017. The first show, in Belgium, was with little lights and the effect was great, like with The Weathermen's last show, the emphasis was on the music and the singing, not on peripheral dazzling lights. The second, and last show, was in Leipzig, supporting Empathy Test, and it was a good performance that showed we could have made a decent live band, yes. But it wasn't to be and Ghost & Writer disbanded yet again. The music remains and this is what matters, no ?
In 2016, Dependent released Girls Rejected (Demos And Rarities Collected) which had a few rarities and especially "Into Your Girl" which appeared on the Electronic Saviours compilation IV and which showed where G&W was heading musically/lyrically.
In 2017, "Dependence - Next Level Electronics 2017" has one of Frank's favorite song: "Dearly Damaged" with great lyrics one should explore.
Our last music offering was in 2018 with "Not Us" where Frank took a demo of a song we never finished to add his vocals and the song is a tearful tribute to his deceased father.
But, as it happened a few times before, the door isn't closed for new material in the future.

Cz paź 19, 2023 17:15 pm Zobacz profil WWW
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